About Russell – Russell Pearson

About Russell

In-Person, Online and Hybrid Presentations

Insightful and engaging, Russell’s direct style of presenting, training and management have made him a force for effective change in both digital and offline marketing. A voice of reason in a fad-driven marketplace, Russell works directly with business people and their teams, transforming reactive marketing activities into strong proactive marketing departments that drive profits for owners and results for sales teams.

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Since beginning his journey in advertising back in 1997, Russell has worked with businesses of all sizes from powerful multi-nationals through to great local trade. In 2006, Russell founded the Crimson Fox Creative Studios, an effective brand marketing agency which continues to serve hundreds of clients today. As an industry leader, Russell has published much in the areas of competitive business strategy including co-founding the Awesome Show Podcast and he is currently a director on the board of Professional Speakers Australia.

Funny and Engaging – Born to Compete

Raised in a family of five boys, whether it was for the last chicken bone on the table or for the attention of the girls in the sleepy town where he grew up, Russell was born to compete.

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As an eight-year-old, he focused strongly on art and produced his first gallery showing back in 1985. Training in design, he took to the world of advertising and discovered the joy in competitive communication and attraction. He loved the competition on business. This love evolved toward brand positioning and marketing which continues as his playground today.

While other marketing professionals run from competition, Russell seeks to work with companies deep in competitive arenas. Focusing on competitive business strategy and creating tactical advantages, Russell captures and secures markets for clients rather than forcing their business growth into ever-shrinking niches. Russell helps companies thrive in these spaces and has fun while doing it.



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