Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 100: The Marketing Report

Episode 100: Your Consulting Business Podcast Well, we’ve come to the BEGINNING of a new Journey. This will be the last episode of the Marketing Report Podcast, but it will not be the end of the conversation. We’ve started a brand new show over at “Your Consulting Business Podcast” which you can find on all […]

Episode 99: The Marketing Report

Episode 99: How to Receive More Engagement Requests YES, you’re an expert…you really are. AND it’s not like you just came into the industry either, you’ve been doing it a while now. So why aren’t more people asking you to work with them? I don’t mean, coffee chat ☕️ where people pick your brain for […]

Episode 98: The Marketing Report

Episode 98: The Evolution of Your Business with Nina Sunday When you make a career out of business it’s incredible what lessons you learn. People have said running a business is the best personal development course you’ll ever do, and I completely agree. Today I speak with renaissance woman, author, trainer, and speaker, Nina Sunday, […]

Episode 97: The Marketing Report

Episode 97: Creating a Purpose Lead Business with Danielle Robertson So many entrepreneurs have discovered that focusing on money alone will never create the impact you want to make in the world and having a Purpose Lead Business is FAR more rewarding. Today I speak with sales/marketing coach and all-round purpose lead business expert, Danielle […]

Episode 96: The Marketing Report

Episode 96: AI and the Future of Business with Craig Rispin Artificial Intelligence is no longer a thing of science fiction. We are now seeing it in practical application across industries. This week, I speak with Futurist and Business Innovation Expert, Craig Rispin about what we all should be looking at, no matter the size […]

Episode 95: The Marketing Report

Episode 95: The Intersection of Marketing and Sales If you want a business that’s much easier and fits with a lifestyle that you love, creating a Steamlined Marketing and Sales system is key. This week I discuss the challenges of having separate Sales and Marketing processes and you can create a system that makes client […]

Episode 94: The Marketing Report

Episode 94: Marketing Gurus, Tactics and Strategy with Manny Talavera Want to know the secrets to marketing? Well, our next guest comes with the goods. It’s rare to speak with someone who geeks out about marketing the way I do, so this episode was a heap of fun. Today I speak with Former pool room […]

Episode 93: The Marketing Report

Episode 93: Commercialising your Expertise with Matt Church You have the expertise, you know your stuff. It’s time to share it with the world and have the impact you’ve always wanted. In this episode, I speak with award-winning speaker, author, and thought leader, Matt Church, about the opportunities for experts in the high-value world of […]

Episode 92: The Marketing Report

Episode 92: Adapting in the Face of Change with Leanne Christie The Marketing Report is a Podcast for Passionate yet Frustrated Business People who want a Competitive Edge. Change is the true great constant in life and in business, and sometimes it can feel like we’re on a rollercoaster ride. So how can you manage […]

Episode 91: The Marketing Report

Episode 91: Designing Your Vehicle for Wealth with Jackson Millan The Marketing Report is a Podcast for Passionate yet Frustrated Business People who want a Competitive Edge. It’s a slow and expensive process to find and engage great team members from your local talent pool. How can you find more of the right people for […]